I am clearly on my way up in my mood cycle. How do I know this?
Well… in a very short period of time I started this blog including the web site setup, I made good headway on a complicated casting for my “Everybody Dies” LARP that I am running in July. I have sifted and sorted a ton of information from the Fringe festival and selected things to go to.
I’m super stressed at my challenging day job but surfing it well. Handling some challenging team dynamics, interviewing candidates for a new position, training a new hire, dealing with strategic and tactical level issues on both my services and absorbing and organizing a miasma of details and communications around some critical testing that is coming up. After that I still have creative and logistical juice to continue on to personal projects in the evening thus the accomplishments listed earlier.
I’ve invested energy in pretty intense dates with two of my partners over just a few days and feel really good afterwards rather than drained.
My knee is really getting better after replacement surgery back in January and I am dreaming about ice skating and I want to go dancing. I went to PT twice this week plus an Structural Integration session.
I also want to learn sign language, can’t get it out of my head.
I’m sleeping and eating less and I still feel good. I’m using caffeine judiciously (like half a cup of coffee first thing in the morning) and it is helping with focus.
I have a hefty list of things to do over the next three weeks including prep for a weekend long LARP I’m going to play at the end of June AND I am heading out on Friday to spend a week seeing a very dear old friend in Colorado for a few days and attending a conference on psychedelics and a bunch of evening activities which range from dinners out with friends, to a kinky night and a Rave. I’ll have a lot more to write about next week for sure.
All that, and I do not feel overwhelmed.
It is really nice when my brain does this for me.