Today I got my hair colored and cut and had a lovely gossip with my long time hair dresser, a thing I do every six weeks or so to maintain my queer hair and flag appropriately. I always feel good after that and it was a beautiful summer day when I emerged onto the Newbury Street sidewalk. I walked towards my t-stop to head home and much to my delight found the Copley Square Farmer’s Market still open! When I lived in Jamaica Plain I had to go through Copley to commute back and forth to work and regularly shopped at the farmer’s market in the summer. Now I live walking distance to my office and am rarely in the square, so I haven’t been to the farmer’s market in a long time, years in fact.
I really enjoy and prefer shopping with the farmers and food crafters directly so I crossed the street with purpose to catch the last of the market day as they were starting to pack up.
I got beets, carrots, an aromatic fresh clove of garlic still on it’s green stem, a bag of leaf lettuce, a cucumber and a zucchini. Also treated myself to a chocolate loaf and a bouquet of delicate white snap-dragons. I will eat most of this over the next few days and I was happy with my shopping experience and purchases. It was lovely to chat with the folks who planted and harvested the food and reminded me of days I spent in my own garden and tending my booth at a market in a prior phase of my life.
My beloved partner is away for about a week. I’m missing them today. They love food and cooking for us and we have been focused on eating more fresh veggies lately. I knew that they would be delighted that I acquired and will eat these things and would have enjoyed shopping with me. I paused to add the market days to my calendar so that I remember to go back and take my partner with me at the next opportunity.
On my transit ride home I found myself savoring the experience, and my humble brown bag of vegetables and flowers perched awkwardly in one arm as I clung to a bar on the crowded tram to keep my feet. It somehow felt sweet in it’s privacy, a thing I had done alone to please and take care of myself in the midst of the bustling city crowd.
As I disembarked to walk the few blocks to home I was overcome by a desire to share the moment with my partner – a small intimate thing made of domesticity.
So I took a picture of my bag of farmer’s market booty and sent it to them with a list of my treasures. They responded with all the enthusiasm I could have hoped for.
Small intimacies are important and they grow in the sharing.
Now I am sharing it with you.
Thank you for sharing. It was a glimpse into your life and even a “small ” facet of your relationship. Sounds like you have a delightful existence. I am sure you know how fortunate you both are.