Well, it’s castle day and of course today. It is overcast and raining out and if the clouds stay it’ll be good for picture taking. As I approach the castle gate, it looks like things are actually clearing up. I may be able to put my rain poncho away in my fabulous daypack.
I’m on my own for the castle tour today. I’m really okay because I’m kind of a history nerd and I know more about the Tudors and their time period.than I probably really should. I’m excited to be in the rooms and touch the stone work and feel the energy of the place. It’s pretty amazing up here.
They take tourism seriously. There is a gigantic stadium set up just to view the military tattoo. Not the ink kind, but rather a demonstration of military prowess, with guns and uniforms and marching information. I’m not really interested in that. But I am looking forward to exploring the historical rooms inside the castle.
Got my guide book and I am waiting for the tour to start, very excited!
Hugh the tour guide was pretty ctarming. His accent wasn’t too heavy and he knew a lot about the castle. I’m a little disappointed that it’s so military focused. I suppose that makes sense but I was more interested in the Royal history. There’s only a little bit of that here, but it was still a delightful visit. Anne of Denmark was sure a sassy lass. Loved her portrait.
I’m tired. It is a lot of up hill and a lot of stairs. So I’m perched on a bench considering how much more I want to try to do before heading back down the hill. Think maybe the gift shops worth a visit. And lunch, I think lunch might be in order. I didn’t get much in the way of breakfast.
I got a few post cards. A hairy coo for my mom. She has alzeimers but loves pictures of animals and loves written letters. I’ll mail it when I get home, the postmark won’t matter.
The thing that struck me the most on this castle tour is Saint Margaret’s chapel. It’s the oldest building in the entire complex and it’s a little room with an arched ceiling and the most incredibly vibrant miniature stained glass windows that I’ve ever seen. They are positively brilliant in color. I think they’re painted over on glass but the glass may have had some color before the paint was applied. I’m gonna have to research it, but they’re absolutely beautiful. Wish that I could sit inside that little arched room and sing a bit and see what the acoustics are like but there’s just way too many people coming and going and my voice isn’t good enough to risk it.
Sad how the people just walk in glance around and walk out like it’s a required stop on a boring school tour. I wonder what they expect to get out of that?
I’m sitting on a bench to linger and feel the energy of the space. Absorb it with every sense I have. It’s an amazing special space out of time.
The view from the overlook is pretty inspiring too. You get an amazing picture of all of Edinbrough between here and the water. Must have been quite inspiring for the folks that built this city up a long time ago.
Notes: Thus ends was my first attempt at voice dictation at the castle to capture content. It was better than I thought in terms of content but I had to fix a lot of capture mistakes. Cleaning this up as little as possible to preserve the moment and quality or lack thereof. Also it’s amazing what happens under time pressure. I’m so behind on the writing I want to do! This isn’t worth spending much more time on.