“Photographs show only reality. A painting shows the dream behind the reality.”
I went to see Re-Mythed and enjoyed the performance so much that when they promoted another show called Piskie by one of the performers, Lucy Roslyn, I added it to my already very full schedule of shows.
I am so glad that I did.
Welcome to a lecture by Dr. Ouida Burt on “Fantastical Disruptions and Self Separations seen by the lens for the DSM-5.” But also not that at all. Piskie is something deeper, touching and much more meaningful.
This was a masterful piece of theater, minimal set and props, and intelligently crafted script. My deepest complements to Lucy Roslyn and her supporting performer whose name I wish I knew so that I could invoke both names with praise and gratitude for the heartfelt and polished performance. Subtle meaningful gestures, affecting characterizations, and clever bits of stage magic made this show beautiful to watch.
I adore an unreliable narrator, particularly a sympathetic one. In this case I also identified with Ouida, a smart person who experienced abandonment young and her subsequent struggle to live in consensual reality.
“The opposite of fantasy is cynicism, not reality.”
I would go see anything that BoonDog theater does.