One of the recurring themes of my blogging is going to be about how Stuff matters to me. It does, it matters a lot. It needs to be the right Stuff and function well. I care about elegance and efficiency, color and texture. I think the stuff we interact with defines a lot of our…
Category: Reflection
Intimate Inanimate Objects
I am reflecting on how inanimate objects can become Intimate, and the kind of Things that really matter to me. I’m not a terribly sentimental person. I get attached to objects that perfectly serve their purpose and please my senses. I have some things that are decorative or just remind me of good things, but…
Not Writing
I am not writing here. I want to be. I think of doing it quite often. Topics come and go, whole paragraphs get composed and then I don’t sit down and write. Why not? I can think of lots of reasons, many true and valid. Most of my Executive Function gets chewed up at work…
Don’t let the perfect stand in the way of the good
I’ve been doing that. I am resolved to stop it. I have a long time friend who is a prolific personal blogger. Been reading her posts and I feel inspired by her practice. I should will just write here, write what I’m thinking about without requiring it being constructed, composed or perfected. Some pieces will…
Sweet Sister
I am old enough to have had close intimate relationships with a few people over several decades. Dear and special people whose relationship with me has survived the shifts and changes of my life. People that I love deeply but have fallen out of touch with as our lives have diverged energetically or geographically. I…
Small Intimacies
Today I got my hair colored and cut and had a lovely gossip with my long time hair dresser, a thing I do every six weeks or so to maintain my queer hair and flag appropriately. I always feel good after that and it was a beautiful summer day when I emerged onto the Newbury…
Up Up and Away
I am clearly on my way up in my mood cycle. How do I know this? Well… in a very short period of time I started this blog including the web site setup, I made good headway on a complicated casting for my “Everybody Dies” LARP that I am running in July. I have sifted…