“I think older women should turn to crime. We don’t even need a balaclava, we are already invisible.” So much of what is presented at Fringe is by young people about young people’s experience. Which is wonderful, but this show was something really special. In the Lady Garden is a show for and about those…
“Photographs show only reality. A painting shows the dream behind the reality.” I went to see Re-Mythed and enjoyed the performance so much that when they promoted another show called Piskie by one of the performers, Lucy Roslyn, I added it to my already very full schedule of shows. I am so glad that I…
Fringe 2024 – Trip 2 Day 3 – Musings
I am doing it today just as I envisioned! The little red computer is with me. It definitely does add weight to the pack, but it is so worth it. I am now a person who finds places to sit and write while I am out and about so that I can record and process…
Castle Day
Well, it’s castle day and of course today. It is overcast and raining out and if the clouds stay it’ll be good for picture taking. As I approach the castle gate, it looks like things are actually clearing up. I may be able to put my rain poncho away in my fabulous daypack. I’m on…
Fringe is a Place of Serendipity
One of the recurring themes of my blogging is going to be about how Stuff matters to me. It does, it matters a lot. It needs to be the right Stuff and function well. I care about elegance and efficiency, color and texture. I think the stuff we interact with defines a lot of our…
5 Mistakes that Changed History
I would have stayed to hear Paul Coulter, history nerd extraordinaire, tell another ten stories beyond the five he did. 5 Mistakes that Changed History is absolutely marvelous. I’m a history nerd too, but not as wide ranging or deep delving as Paul. He had information to share that I did not know and juicy…
Odin’s Eye and the Art of Seeing
Odin’s Eye and the Art of Seeing has been my favorite show so far at the Fringe festival. I expect it will make the top five on my list even after nine days of seeing an aggressive schedule of almost 50 shows. Alice Fernbank is a truly talented story teller. Her energy and presence on…
Rogues So Banished
Paul Case is doing a really hard thing in Rogues So Banished and he is doing it well. I can’t imagine how much each of these performances takes out of him as he stands alone at the front of an intimate theater space to embody people of questionable character and passionate emotions who come to…
Burnout Paradise
Burnout Paradise was my first show of the Fringe this year! Off to a great start and probably emblematic of how the next few days will be in terms of organized frantic energy channeled into balancing all the needs of a human life amidst the crazy creativity at the Fringe festival. Pony Cam & Parrot…
Fringe Trip Two – Day One – Travel
Did I mention that I have decided to date the posts about Fringe to the day that the thing happened rather than the day I write it? Yeah. I’m doing that. Ain’t technology great? This way I’ll keep some chronology in case I write about stuff out of order. Leaves me free to pursue wherever…